CMS College of Education was founded by the Coimbatore Malayali Samajam in the academic year 2008 - 2009. Coimbatore Malayali Samajam is registered under Indian Societies Registration Act. It has a proud record of progressive activities in the field of Education, Arts, Culture, Sports and Social Service. The Coimbatore Malayali Samajam is the biggest Malayali organization of its kind in the whole of India.
The Coimbatore Malayali Samajam was established in the year 1955 and it represents the vast majority of the Malayali population numbering about 4 lakhs in the city of Coimbatore.
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CMS College of Education, Ganapathy, is established with clear goals in view, following the educational policy of the CMS Congregation. The college stands for academic excellence, good discipline, development of skills and character formation. This is based on the Love of God and Service to human kind.
The Preparation of outstanding teachers with values enduring on an adventurous and creative Carrier of technologically modern and experimentally research oriented in the art of teaching and learning to meet the emerging needs and challenges of the nation.

To set quality benchmarks for quest for excellence
To promote research
To integrate various curricular and co-curricular activities to facilitate overall growth of students
To develop state-of-the-art infrastructure
To evaluate faculty for improvement
To evolve a feedback mechanism from all stakeholders for quality enhancement
To improve healthy practices and overcome weaknesses.
We are a leading Institute in Tamil Nadu that has all the state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge technologies to provide the best Pre primary and Secondary teachers training.
Our globally recognized courses are based on latest curriculum and intend to meet the demand for qualified teachers which are constantly on the rise.
The Computer Laboratory at CMS College of Education is equipped with the latest software and workstations. To further ensure uninterrupted internet access, the campus is free Wi-Fi enabled with high speed internet, providing an opportunity for the students to access the web, wherever they may be in the campus.
The college has a well-stocked library having nearly six thousand books and regular subscription of magazines and daily newspapers. It caters the needs of the 200 students at undergraduate level. The Library services are fully automated. The Library uses the Library Management Software (LMS) 'LibSys' version 7. The Library is well equipped with all the modem facilities and resources (print and electronic) in the forms of CDROMs, DVD-ROM, video cassettes, books, journals, etc. It has also developed a full-fledged Digital Library equipped with necessary modern equipment in order to provide various digital modes of library services. The library remains open on all working days. Apart from normal working days it also opens on Saturdays, Sundays, and other Holidays during examinations. To become a member, students should fill and submit a prescribed membership form to the library.
Placement Cell organizes Placement Training Programmes during the month of March, every year. The goal of the Placement Cell is to provide employment opportunities and training to students, facilitate the process of placement and ensure that all eligible students get an opportunity to work in schools. The cell provides complete support to the visiting schools at every stage of the placement process. Almost all our students are placed well in reputed schools for a decent salary.
Want to talk?
Please call as: +91 91716 99670
C.M.S. College of Education (10304) Affiliated to Tamilnadu Teachers Education University, Karapakkam, Chennai and Recognised by NCTE, New Delhi.